A downloadable game for Windows

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FEYDOME is a short, almost relaxing game about exploring an abandoned world and finding clothing items to customize a playable fairy... it is part of the The DreadXP End of Summer Bone Jam and I made it in slightly less than 14 days

you can jump and fly for up to 2 seconds
(or maybe 1.98 seconds because of a possible bug)

left joystick / WASD = move
right joystick / LT&RT / Q&E = rotate camera
A / X / Spacebar = jump/fly/slow fall
start / Esc = pause

to "finish" the game, you must unlock every clothing item! to get them all, you will need to increase the fairy's energy collecting red orbs to be able to fly for longer :)
when you run out of energy while in the air, hold the fly button to fall slowly. the energy will be recovered once you get to the ground

- theres no saving so... careful
- i didnt have time to implement camera collision, so dont be scared if you see the insides of stuff
- theres an object without collision that I grew to like and decided to never fix
- the game never ends, so you  can hang around and do whatever you like after collecting all items!

hope u like uwu

models, animations and code by me
title music by Eric Matyas (OpenGameArt)
gameplay music by
Leerie (OpenGameArt)
UI sfx by ViRiX (OpenGameArt)

Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
(60 total ratings)
TagsCharacter Customization, Creepy, Cute, fairy, Lo-fi, PSX (PlayStation)


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FeydomeV1.zip 32 MB


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lovely, very cute. relatable protagonisr. it looks a little bit like me so im happy... i only wish i could enter and exit the custoimze menu with just 1 button... thats a lie.. 
i wish now to be a little fairy and find cute clothes too. and fly around of course

i thought the music would start feeling repetitive but it really doesnt bc everything fits perfectly.

im writing as i play btw.

i like wearing clothes now. thank you.


my review:

womp WOMP womp WomP WOmp.


I really loved playing this! It made me so happy discovering all the cute clothing options and the atmosphere is soft and serene.

I love how the items are contextualized as things a fairy would make themself, and the party ball-like insects are such a creative design that fits right in with the environment. They way all the collectibles are bright and contrast the terrain make them easy to see from any distance, and I love how the bugs animate and make sounds so you know where they are and which ones you've collected.

The environment feels so natural with plenty of indents to rest on and high points that are fun to fly between. Having some of the collectibles placed on edges and undersides make for some really tense moments where you can just barely fly back up from. It was such a pleasant surprise when I realized that one of the structures I was climbing was a skateboard!

Slowly building up your flight energy is a satisfying progression and the cute cosmetics are a perfect incentive for a collectathon like this, even just taking things slow and running around in this atmosphere is great. I really loved this game a lot! Thank you for making such a beautiful experience.

thank you so much!! <3
I'm glad you enjoyed it :)


Beautiful little game, weirdly captivating and very pleasing to play. I hope some day you release the extended version!


The game and music are relaxing ♥ because you have to be patient and go little by little, and that makes it a game to spend time exploring in peace

I like it a lot ♥

(1 edit) (+1)

"- theres an object without collision that I grew to like and decided to never fix" i found it lol. loved this game


Hello! This is my first itch.io comment ever but I just HAD to let you know how much fun I had with this game! I've been sat on call with a friend playing it and this is now one of my favourites. 

Everything, from the muted graphics and the polygonal style, to the semi-unsettling but overly comforting music, the sound of the outfit unlock bugs slowly getting quieter until they're not there at all, the way the character flies and flutters their wings. It's all wonderful to me! 

I'm super happy you liked it so much!
Hopefully an expanded/remade version of the game will come in the future


That would be so super cool! Looking forward to it ^^


It's actually criminal of me to have only discovered this game today, but this is such an adorable game and reminds me of playing with those fairy dress up games on DollDivine and Azalea's Dolls.

(also don't mind me posting my top picks for outfits🥰)


I'm glad you liked!! Those are awesome combinations! <3

(1 edit) (+3)

i would pay one billion dollars per month for this to be made into an mmo in some way

edit: the waist on jester bottom is not rendering and is completely see through in game play but not in the customize screen, I'm running the game using wine but im not sure if that's related


i'd love to make an mmo with this thematic... the game was kinda inspired in the feel i get from some mmos!
yeah, the jester suit had some culling issues, it's not Wine :-)


I started learning opengl because I kept thinking about this game as an mmo after making my comment.

This game alone has managed to rekindle my interest in coding and game programming so thank you for that


I'm really happy it managed to inspire you!!


it is a tough life surviving as a fairy

(2 edits) (+2)

This game is a Good haunting experience that (at least to me) can be almost melodic at times. I most enjoy playing this very late at night, when the music lulls me into the world and I can spend my time fluttering around enjoying the sounds and scenery.

One of my favorite aspects of this is environment itself. It shows that you chose the palettes with care, and paid careful attention to how the sounds fit with their surroundings, like different footsteps for different types of ground. I particularly like the noise your wings make when you fly and the whimsical little gongs that the capsule-bugs(?) do. And, despite your small stature and the scale of the area in comparison, something about it still feels intimate to explore.

I also really appreciate the way the player fairy moves in the world, having to use your energy sparingly to go longer distances. Bugs and birds do the same, flap their wings to get some height and then rest a moment on the wind before doing it again. It's a little detail I adore.

While this is a lonely little fey world, there's a lovely feeling to be found here.


Thanks so much for playing!!


Hello Theo! Done dealing with school, played the game, really liked it, wanted to tell you how much, found out you made this in "slightly more" than two weeks and was even more impressed, also should have paid attention to the no save warning but didn't :’ D, and also read all the comments on here since there weren't too many and they were also pretty good reads. 

Personally I don't mind the no camera collision, but I do understand why it's better overall to just fix it for future Feydome (I'm no coder so frankly if it works it works but I get if you come across more professional/make Feydome more marketable). I do agree with the faster falling if you're straight up falling from the other comments. And more hair. More hair is always good. Maybe more music, or the option to turn music/sound effects off? (The visuals are eery enough, and the music/sound effects are good! It's just why does the water sound like frogs I'm just already scared enough)

As for the up and down camera advice, a better tracker/binoculars? to see if you've already collected from a bug, I'm...somewhat conflicted. For instance, I didn't want to have to come back or accidentally forget a bug somewhere on the tree/way more challenging flying area, so I would grind a little on the lower areas/explore lower area more fully and collect the orbs before I attempted the tree. This made it so when I did attempt the tree, I felt more rewarded for having planned ahead. I would also stop just close enough and wait to see if the little bit of bug I could see glitched/flapped, and that's not the most convenient way to know if I've collected from that bug, but it made feel...kinda brainy, and I wonder if the commenter that relied on the sound felt that way too. Similar thing with the lack of up or down camera - I guess I bypassed this problem by just moving a little bit farther away/"zooming out", again, feels kinda brainy - but also I feel like the risk associated with taking the leap of faith from eg. a branch on the tree that might not have a branch underneath it close enough to break my fall, made it more satisfying when I still managed to get the bug. Even if I missed, and I did...more than I'm willing to admit, I'd get annoyed but also more vindictive and want that stupid bug on that stupid branch even more. Maybe the real conclusion is that I'm a masochist and a poor gamer but I think it's because overall you got the important things down - the level was small and well laid out, you gave enough orbs at the lower areas that I could get to harder to reach places if I flapped/pressed space bar carefully, allowed gliding down instead of straight falling when you run out of energy, basic left-right cam, so I was still able to get quite far. I think even if you forget a bug somewhere, you'd probably have enough energy/be good enough at the game that you'd get to wherever the bug is quickly. I do think the commenters/advice about including up and down cam/praise and criticism for bug tracker is great, definitely makes a smoother/more marketable game, but if you do implement them, I guess make the space more difficult to navigate eg. you have to fly up and AROUND a tower to reach a target/maybe the target moves away if you don't get there fast enough, so you can still keep some of the planning/thinky/risky aspects. 

I won't lie, when I first played the game I got really frustrated with the walking speed (before I figured out how to half fly half walk) and uh, quit, but on the second try I realized if I flew too fast I'd miss the orbs/bugs so maybe you kept walking and flying speed the same? I'm not sure if it would be too jarring/mismatched to walk faster but still fly slowly. Also having a "heavy" fairy does add to making the fairy feel small in its world. Maybe people can choose to increase their walking speed somewhat only by collecting eg. orange orbs? Or if you do add more challenging spaces to fly through, than an increase in general speed would be justified, and eventually the fairy is supposed to feel less heavy/more avian.

But I guess this ultimately depends on your game design vision. If you're aiming to platform, forget what I said and absolutely give more player controls. Nothing worse than an unfair obstacle other than not having enough hair - MORE HAIR - If you're aiming for more exploring (uhh...I think exploring is different from platforming? I'm not confident though), I think limited controls and more creative use of what you do have is...not better than more controls but equal and you should just trust me bro. 

Anyways. Thanks for this nice little game, everyone's already talked about the aesthetics so I won't add to the word count but the concept/architecture is awesome, and I hope in the future there's a story, maybe other fairies in the little blue shuttles on the tree to greet or do a "fetch" quest for (some say fetch quests are really annoying? But I think if you have to find that thing it's great for exploring)

Scrnshots (this is the stupid bug on the stupid branch/leaf pom pom)

(This is World’s second best armour - first is none)

(1 edit)

Thanks you so much for such a long and detailed comment! I'm considering the things you said a lot. I liked how the lack of up/down angle made me feel when replaying the game, so I experimented with it in the expanded/remade version to allow the player to have a better angle while still restricting them a little.

About the walking speed, I increased it for the expanded version and added a way to fly faster horizontally after collecting enough orbs to "level up", which advances the growth of the wings (another feature). Also, since the new map is bigger, I had to tweak the gravity, flying and jump height a lot to make controlling the fairy more dynamic and comfortable! The fairy feels a lot lighter, maybe like a bug would.

I know what you mean when you say you are a masochist gamer, haha. A lot of my game design choices come from the idea that part of the experience also comes from learning to handle "jank" or mechanics that work in a very specific and not intuitive way. I enjoy those things in games so I often add them consciously. Of course, I always expect people to criticize them and I think that's valid and helps me understand better what I want to keep and what I want to improve/make less tedious.

Thanks a lot for this, it always helps me move forward and like what I do!


this looks beatiful. it's also scary devil sh*t. those plantlike things make a horrifying sound. i avoided them. but now i see they unlock new appearance. looking forward to see more.


haha, I tried to make their sound pleasant but eerie! thanks!


Played for a few hours straight, its pretty fun, but also scary, looks like a non-intended scary game from the 00's, i really like low-poly graphics and this game is such a good example of how low-poly can work on these days, really impressive, im just missing more lore content but i understand that this is just something for a Jam, but i would really like to play a extended version of this game, with Lore and NPC's, maybe enemies and combat.
Overall, 10/10


Hi, thanks a lot! An extended version is in the works :D


really cute and well done


A mysterious fairy flying around in a decadent world with mysterious architectural styles acquires a costume with a human cultural flavor.

The combination of these various elements made for a strange but interesting work, and I enjoyed it very much.

It was eerie, but I also felt some kindness!


This is a really great game. I am having a great time. The clothing items and the player fairy are so cute. Love the eerie vibe, helped a lot by the fairy wings sounding bug like to me. I just can't say how much I love everything about it lol 


I consistently can't find the 100th energy orb. It must be hidden really well or not there/in a wall. Just want my 2.00 energy. ;(


I'll make sure to prevent this from happening in the expanded version of the game :) I think the limit could be 1.98, so technically you got them all


Very cool game, looking forward how you expand onto the game.

As Aniraster mentioned, moving the camera up and down would be nice and being stopped by the landing animations is a bit clunky.

There is no coyote time, which isn't really bad, but people will probably think they aren't jumping when they should since people are used to being able to jump a with coyote time.

I'll also mention it is really hard finding all the energy orbs, last time I played I got to 1.98, but could never find the last orb, it might be nice for a small hum from the orbs to be able to find them all (either constant when you are with in a range, or only when you hold a button.)

The clothing is organized based on when you pick up each item, it would look better if it organized as you got it (so for example jester stuff would always be at the end, and no matter how you pick up the hair styles they would be in order by number.)

For expanding on the idea:

More hair colors would be cool.

A dive that lets you fall faster but go further would help vertical movement, since you don't really go faster at all vertically as you gain more energy, and it feels slow by the end.

Having different ways to move, for example some wingless race that uses energy to jump (Kind of like jump king) could be fun, but not something to focus on since it could be feature creep.


As you can see in the video (near the end), if you spam space a bit you can fall much slower, and if you can spam it like crazy (I used a script) you can even get infinite flight as you have a small chance to jump when you press space in mid-air.


omg! thanks a lot for this, it made my day! really good criticism and great points. I will make sure to implement coyote time in the expanded/remade version (i'm really used to it too, but had no time to add it or didn't think of prioritizing it)

also I loved the fact that you managed to break the jump/fly mechanic! that's impressive and I had no idea it was a thing

and yeah, silk is definitely the denim of the fairy world


Yes!!! Fairies!!! Creepy! Dress Up! Yess!!!


Very cute game with big essence of himself. 
The details i found is that needs a rotation button in the character customization menu and move the camera in the Y axis. Non humanoid npcs would be interesting and pets (but im not sure, idk)Liked the game <3


I liked it.  I'd be down for more games like this; pick up some energy in the environment which increases your ability to navigate a big open space and just picking up something simple like cosmetics (helps that im a sucker for character customization)


Hmm... seems like there's a duplicate of the Leaf Shoes...


An absolutely wonderful, ever so slightly eerie atmosphere. I love the visuals and how the fairy feels to control and animates. It plays well, the only issue (a very minor one) I had was collecting an item interrupts your flight so you have to repress jump. Was easy to deal with though.

While it didn't trouble me to do the platforming, having a drop-shadow below your fairy would help to show where you're going to land.

I only got 1.98 energy ㅜ.ㅜ

A really enjoyable little game. Well done! 


I just played through this and it is so good!

(2 edits) (+2)

i want to be this ui when i grow up

edit: im old by the way just never grew up


good retro

damn, what happened on the title menu, haha! thanks a lot for the gameplay <3


Short and sweet, absolutely loved the vibes ! I know it's kinda unrealistic to expect it but I'd love to see this concept expanded upon some day.


oh, it's not! im already interested in expanding this game at some point in the future


I like it, but there are a few key problems I had:

1. Up/Down Camera- When you're on the big tree or have a lot of stamina, things can get pretty vertical. It would be nice to be able to look down- especially if you miss a jump and need to find a safe spot to land!

2. Camera Collision- You already acknowledged it, but it would be nice to have. :)

3. No Deadzones(?)- I played on controller and noticed that the deadzones were either very low or nonexistent. Sometimes when I stopped moving, my joystick didn't return to exactly the middle, so I would kinda drift a little.

4. This one's both praise and criticism. I really like the way that the bug things emit sound, so you can find unopened ones based on the sound cues- This is genuinely one of the best ways I've seen to remedy the "can't find final collectable" problem.
The problem is that they open when collected, but from a distance they look pretty much the same as a closed one. A more distinct change between open and closed things would be nice, but I was able to find them all with no trouble because of the sound thing.

5. The movement was also a little stiff. It was fine, but I personally didn't like how you stopped moving during the landing animation.

Overall: Really fun! I felt like some of the collectables were a little same-y, and some alternate colors for hair / some shirts would be nice. Nonetheless, great for a jam game. 👍

(1 edit) (+2)

woah! thanks a lot for the detailed feedback, this will help a lot! I wasn't aware of the deadzone issues, I think I'm using default deadzones that Unity has configured !

I totally understand what you mean about not really telling if a bug has been opened or not from the distance, it happened to me while testing but it was  too late to make changes.. I'll make sure to fix that one if I end up expanding the game!

I'm glad you liked it!


Very fun little game!
Was absolutely engrossed in the atmosphere while playing, hope to see it built upon further in the future!

(1 edit) (+1)

This was a really nice surprise! I loved the vibe of your screenshots on twitter, and the game lives up to that and more - with a great atmosphere and really satisfying progression. Amazing work, especially for just 14 days!

I only collected like 3 or 4 items, so I'm looking forward to playing through the whole thing when I have more time :)

thank you so much!! <3


I did it! What a lovely game! Here are my partner's and my favorite outfits:

lovely choices!! <3


Hope to see this game expanded someday!


I'd love to!


delightfully weird ambience, really liked it!

I wish we could validate menus with space, and look up! Other than that, it's really chill to go around and collect orbs and unlocks costumes

(1 edit) (+1)

thank you so much!! i thought about letting the player look up/down, but decided to leave it out to experiment and ended up building everything with that limitation in mind.. my main focus was making it feel like a chill exploration game, inspired by my experience with a game called Tchia, so I love that it was chill <3